I would like you to take a moment and think about the people in this world you care about the most. Pretend for a moment you know that someone is planning to kill them. Would you keep it quite? Would you do all that you can to protect and save them? Now think about the people you work with, or your neighbors. If they were in this situation, would you keep this from them? Would you try to protect and save them?
Here on earth we have the chance to save our loved ones and it is as simple as introducing them to Christ. Protecting them from damnation is the greatest act of Love you can commit towards them. If you could save them wouldn't you want to?
Too many of us call ourselves Christians but we are inactive. Being a Christian means you are a Soldier of Christ. Not in a pyhsical war, but a spiritual war. A war you can't fight from the couch or your lounge chair. A war you can't fight by turning your nose up at people who do wrong. A war you can't fight with silence. This type of Christian is what we call a Luke Warm Christian.
Revelations 3:16 says; So because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out of my mouth. To believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, is not enough. What good is an inactive Christian to the Lord. None! When you see someone being led astray into eternal damnation and you do nothing about it, you are not doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Would you have others LET YOU DIE?
When you go to Church do you sit in the pew silently, trying not to fall asleep? Or do you join in the Celabration of the Lords day? God said to humble yourself before the Lord. Don't be afraid to shout "AMEN!" Keep the congregation awake. Show that you love the Lord and aren't afraid to show it. Sing Loud and Proud weather your voice is like that of an Angel, or that of a nail on a Chalk Board. Let the Lord know you care. Don't be afraid to look like a fool, because It's great to be a Fool for the Lord.
Set spiritual fires anywhere you can. Inspire! Commit Random acts of kindness! If you see someone in need help them and through that you might lead them to the lord.
Leave a peace of God everywhere you go so that he may have a trail to find you!!!!